Thursday, March 1, 2012

Park day and wireless internet

So daddy joined a Austin unschool email group a few days ago. And we went to a park-day yesterday that they organized and got to meet some of them. Me and Eldin met and walked around the park with a girl called Cela. Turns out that me and her have at least a little bit in common which is pretty cool. The park was pretty big. It had a man-made lake in the middle of it that had a whole bunch of ducks and geese in it. I don't think I've ever seen that many ducks and geese in one place before. Then when Cela and here family had to leave, Me, Eldin and daddy went to play some Frisbee just down from the playground. That was pretty fun. After park-day we had Lunch at Jack-in-the-box. It was really good! Then we stopped at H.E.B and picked up some peanut butter and bacon and then came home. Today so far all we've really done is go to the bank and come back home. We're going to go work out at our little fitness room later. Oh! Me and Eldin are now going to have broadband wireless just like daddy! We're having it installed tomorrow 3-2-12. It'll be nice not having to worry about whether our connection is gonna stay or disappear. Well That's all I got for now. Hope you enjoy! Have a wonderful day, Byebye!  :-)